To-do Lists for the Neurodivergent

To-do Lists for the Neurodivergent
Regular old to-do lists are not always helpful to those of us who are neurodivergent. This workbook contains 8 different types of to-do lists for keeping track of care tasks or just daily to-dos:
Step by step: There’s nothing more frustrating than doing a ton of work on a task and not being able to cross it off the list because it isn’t quite complete. With the step-by-step to-do list you can really track progress and break tasks down in manageable bites. This list lets you write the “to-do” item at the top and list out the steps necessary to complete that task underneath to be checked off as they are completed. Great for adults who feel overwhelmed or kiddos who are learning to complete tasks. Comes with both an example plan for you to use and a blank plan for you to customize.
Icon lists: Templates for opening duties, closing duties, weekly care tasks, and care task to-do lists with icons for those who prefer a visual reminder system. Use velcro dots or magnetic tape to create the perfect visual system for you!
To consider: To-do lists are for the birds. To-consider lists are where it's at. Start out by marking your energy level and let that guide your list of what you would like to attempt today. Make sure to fill out your plan for rest. At the end of the day, check the reasons for the celebration. There is so much more to life than finishing your to-do list.
To-do star chart: You're never too old for a star chart. There is just something gratifying about filling in your accomplishments in the shape of a star and stepping back to see how much you've done.
Closing duties star chart: These templates are for opening or closing duties and gives you space to list your duties with stars for each day of the week. At the end you can add a way you are going to celebrate your effort (I suggest the celebration be for your effort, not for being perfect at the star chart).
Some days are survival days. On those days you're only job is to stay alive. Download this care plan to help you care for yourself on days you don't care about yourself. Comes with both an example plan for you to use and a blank plan for you to customize.
To-do list with priority icons: When a long list feels overwhelming, this list allows you to prioritize your tasks by circling the icons next to the task. Comes with both an example plan for you to use and a blank plan for you to customize.
Today’s Mental Load: for those who carry a heavy mental load, this unique list let’s you get it all out of your head and down onto paper before you attempt to make a prioritized to-do list. Comes with both an example plan for you to use and a blank plan for you to customize.